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Showing posts from December, 2022

Why choose a preschool for two languages?

  According to the American Speech-Language-Hearing Association, bilingual children have good speech1 and problem-solving skills and connect and communicate with others using information in new and creative ways. There are also cognitive benefits to being bilingual, including better attention and task switching abilities and better information processing skills.   Learning other languages ​​at an early age has many benefits. Children's brains acquire language skills very easily at an early age. Teacher at the A bilingual preschool for children Alexandria, VA , says, "The early bilingual education program supports the period of language comprehension from infancy to age 7." These benefits can also help your child in the future. "Children gain cultural competence when they learn a second language, which enables them to understand, appreciate and interact with people from cultures different from their own." A comparison of two preschools Understanding what ...